AMPD – A Monologue Per Day – Day 04

This monologue is “Jails, Hospitals and Hip-Hop” by David Hoch interpreted by Raúl Peyret.

A Monologue Per Day (AMPD) is a challenge I started that consists in preparing and recording one monologue per day. I select the monologue randomly from “222 Comedy Monologues 2 Minutes & Under” and I prepare whatever lucks decides; regardless of the character gender, age, etc.

“Jails, Hospitals and Hip-Hop” by David Hoch interpreted by Raúl Peyret

AMPD – A Monologue Per Day – Day 01

A Monolog Per Day (AMPD) is a challenge that consists in preparing and recording one monologue per day. I select the monologue randomly from “222 Comedy Monologues 2 Minutes & Under” and I prepare whatever lucks decides; regardless of the character gender, age, etc.

Let’s see what we have in store for today…
AMPD – A Monologue Per Day – Psycho Beach Party by Charles Busch, interpreted by Raúl E. Peyret